Sunday, October 01, 2006

A hunting Bardick Snake

A hunting Bardick, Echiopsis curta.

Just the spot for an ambush!

Bardick Snake, Echiopsis curta

This is what the largely nocturnal Bardick, Echiopsis curta does, ie it ambushes its prey and in this instance probably a resident Moaning Frog, Heleioporus eyrei that can normally be found in the area. I returned a couple of hours later and the snake was in exactly the same position.

This small stout snake is reasonably common in SW Western Australia, but also occurs in a couple of areas in the Eastern States where it is regarded as rare/endangered. The slender neck, broad head and thick body makes this species quite distinctive. Preferred habitat is heath and mallee/spinifex, where lizards, frogs and sometimes mammals and birds make up its diet.

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